
English Buildogs
Relating to, or located towards, the head of an

Relating to, or located towards, the center of the
main body.
In the case of an appendage, such as a limb, this is towards the point of attachment to the main body.

In the case of an appendage, such as a limb, this is towards the point of attachment to the main body.

The joint and bones of an animal’s forelimb that
correspond to the human wrist.

The joint and bones of
an animal’s hind limb that correspond to the human

Located away from, the
center of the main body. In the case of an
appendage, such as a limb, this is away from the
point of attachment to the main body.
Proximodistal Axis
A line drawn from the distal point or end to
the proximal point or end.
In the example of a limb of a cat or a dog, the most distal point is the tip of the claw, and the most proximal point is the point of attachment of the limb to the main body of the animal.
In the example of a limb of a cat or a dog, the most distal point is the tip of the claw, and the most proximal point is the point of attachment of the limb to the main body of the animal.
The (imaginary) line
drawn from the dorsal surface to the plantar surface
of the hind foot.
With reference to the feet of a dog or cat, the upper side is dorsal, and the underside is plantar.
With reference to the feet of a dog or cat, the upper side is dorsal, and the underside is plantar.