
Either of the cranial (anterior or front) limbs.

The hind region of the animal, from the loin.

A symmetrical, two-beat gait in which diagonally contralateral limbs move in unison.
This is an endurance gait, which allows coverage of ground at a reasonable speed but without expending maximum energy. The trot may, therefore, be maintained for hours.
This is an endurance gait, which allows coverage of ground at a reasonable speed but without expending maximum energy. The trot may, therefore, be maintained for hours.
The foot of a cranial (anterior or front) limb.

A characteristic of a pet that deviates from the breed standard.
Breed standards specify characteristics that are undesirable, some of these being disqualifying faults.
Breed standards specify characteristics that are undesirable, some of these being disqualifying faults.
Single Suspension Gallop
An asymmetrical, four-beat gait, in which there is just one suspension phase, which occurs when all four limbs are airborne, gathered under the body.
All four limbs contact the ground separately, none in unison.
All four limbs contact the ground separately, none in unison.
Relating to the same side of the body.
For example, ipsilateral limbs are limbs that are on the same side of the body.
For example, ipsilateral limbs are limbs that are on the same side of the body.
Relating to the opposite side of the body.
For example, diagonally contralateral limbs are limbs on diagonally opposite sides of the body.
For example, diagonally contralateral limbs are limbs on diagonally opposite sides of the body.