
Parts held close with little or no space between.

A characteristic of a pet that deviates from the breed standard.
Some breed standards specify characteristics that are undesirable, some of these being disqualifying faults.
Some breed standards specify characteristics that are undesirable, some of these being disqualifying faults.
Cat Feet
Round and short feet (of
a dog).

The foot of a cranial (anterior) limb.
The distal part of a limb that bears weight, and facilitates locomotion and manipulation.

2. A foot that does not have sufficiently prominent arch.
There is insufficient angulation of toes and pads are insubstantial.
There is insufficient angulation of toes and pads are insubstantial.
A digit of a foot .
Toes are named and identified by Roman numerals.
In a pentadactyl (five-fingered or five-toed) arrangement, the most medial digit, if present, is I (e.g. the human thumb) and the most lateral is V (e.g. the human little finger).
Toes are named and identified by Roman numerals.
In a pentadactyl (five-fingered or five-toed) arrangement, the most medial digit, if present, is I (e.g. the human thumb) and the most lateral is V (e.g. the human little finger).
Interdigital Space
The space between digits (toes).

Negative Space
The space between the pads of a foot, or a track made by a foot.
This includes interdigital space, but also the space between heel pad and toe pads.

This includes interdigital space, but also the space between heel pad and toe pads.