
Breed Standard
A written standard that lists the attributes that are desirable in a breed of cat or dog created by breed associations and clubs, and standardised and approved by governing bodies.
This provides a blueprint for breeders and judges of conformation shows. A pet has good conformation if it closely matches its breed standard.
This provides a blueprint for breeders and judges of conformation shows. A pet has good conformation if it closely matches its breed standard.
Conformation Show
Dog or cat show in which pets are judged according to the extent that they match breed standards.

Domestic dog or domestic cat that is of a breed.
If purebred ancestry has been properly recorded and registered, the dog or cat is pedigreed.

If purebred ancestry has been properly recorded and registered, the dog or cat is pedigreed.

A domestic dog or domestic cat that has an ancestry registered as purebreds.
Also refers to the ancestry or descent of a purebred dog or cat.
Once a purebred pet is registered, it may be referred to as a pedigree.
Also refers to the ancestry or descent of a purebred dog or cat.
Once a purebred pet is registered, it may be referred to as a pedigree.
Kennel Clubs
The Kennel Club (UK)
United Kennel Clubs International
American Kennel Club AKC
Canadian Kennel Club CKC
Australian National Kennel Council ANKC
New Zealand Kennel Club NZKC
United Kennel Clubs International
American Kennel Club AKC
Canadian Kennel Club CKC
Australian National Kennel Council ANKC
New Zealand Kennel Club NZKC
Cat Fancy Associations
Governing Council of the Cat Fancy
Cat Fanciers' Association CFA (USA)
The International Cat Association
Canadian Cat Association CCA
New Zealand Cat Fancy NZCF
Australian Cat Federation ACF
Co-ordinating Cat Council of Australia
South African Cat Council SACC
World Cat Federation
Fédération Internationale Féline FIFe
Cat Fanciers' Association CFA (USA)
The International Cat Association
Canadian Cat Association CCA
New Zealand Cat Fancy NZCF
Australian Cat Federation ACF
Co-ordinating Cat Council of Australia
South African Cat Council SACC
World Cat Federation
Fédération Internationale Féline FIFe
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Cat Fancy Associations
Organizations that:
1) regulate breed standards, breed clubs and conformation shows.
2) register purebreds and issue pedigrees. The GCCF, for example, is a registry of purebred cats in the U.K.
3) provide information and advice about cats and pet ownership.
Cf. governing bodies